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In the Life of the Church

April 24, 2022


Happy Anniversary 

Darrell and Janet Thompson April 30th  

Worship Opportunities   

  • Liturgist and Sunday School sign up in the back. Please include email address.   

  • Session meets May 18th @ 6:00  

  • Newsletter if you have pictures or announcements, send to Diane or Jenna.  

Prayer Requests   

  • Kathy Thompson Prayers for full recovery.  

  • The Bentzingers starting new treatment in Seattle, and thanks for the blessing of strangers who help with travel expenses.  

  • Travis Weigand family, friend of the Thompsons.  

  • Sam, friend of the Smith’s fighting health issues and tobacco          addiction.  

  • Stacie Payne is recovering from surgery.  

  • Jim Dennis and Margaret as Jim undergoes medical testing.  

  • Ones unnamed but within our hearts who are battling illness and   despair.   

  • The millions of people who have lost their homes and loved ones in Ukraine.   


Contact information and Social Media links

Send newsletter items to  ( and announcements to Diane.

The December newsletter will be released Monday

  • Diane Ludington 319-795-8118 call or text

  • Diane Ludington email                                           

  • Website worship guide and service, Advent readings, Kid’s activities.

  • Facebook   news and interaction

  • Direct Donation

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