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What's With The Logs?

What’s with the logs?? 


You may have noticed the logs on the church lawn. Eileen Shoup and Pastor Diane had a brainstorm while removing the remnants of a downed tree one rainy Sunday afternoon and laid out the beginnings of an outdoor reading space.  

I (Diane) Googled “Kids Outdoor Reading Spaces” and followed the Pinterest trails to find ideas with log “furnishings.” We can get as elaborate as we want or keep it plain or scrap it altogether. Here are a few ideas.  

  • What: an outdoor sitting/gathering space for kids and adults. We might put in a little free library, similar to the blessing box. 

  • Why: I would like to be outside in nice weather. A lot of people walk around town and casual conversations create community. Also, it could be used for outreach activities. Perhaps kids’ activities could use the space. Perhaps we could sponsor a summer story hour? 

  • Who: the space would be for anyone who wants to use it. Members and neighbors might sit a spell as they feel led.  

  • Where: My thought is to put a contained mulch bed under the tree where grass does not grow well anyway. That way it would not be a hassle to mow around.  

  • When: The bones are there now, and we can add to it as we like. 

  • How: We can apply for a presbytery grant to pay for the groundwork, mulch, and any other expenses once we have a plan.   

We are looking for a team to take this on. Several of our Session members are overwhelmed by family circumstances. If you have an interest in helping create a special space for building imagination and community, please see Pastor Diane. 

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