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Service Times

We have suspended in-person worship indefinitely. Session will meet monthly and decide at each meeting on the course of action for the coming weeks.


The weekly worship service is at 9:00 Sunday morning. It is available live on our Facebook group.


Email Diane if you need the link. It is the same for each week. Please email prayer requests to Diane by Friday afternoon. 


We can worship together virtually anytime by clicking on the links below.

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Soren Kirkegaard  “we have gotten confused about who’s doing what in worship:  we think of worshipers as an audience; pastors as entertainers, and God as the prompter.  In fact, worshipers are performers, pastors are prompters, and God is the audience.  When we gather for worship, whether with a handful in a storefront chapel or with thousands in St. Peter’s Square [or from you living room online], we perform a drama with different parts—speaking and singing and praying and giving money and baptizing and eating bread and drinking wine—all for the delight of God.”

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